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    Solved Evil Wings bug with Evil Wing Ears[1]

    It works! Thank you very much for fixing the error . You are the best :3 <3
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    Solved Evil Wings bug with Evil Wing Ears[1]

    Oh okay, thx guys :3 I will be waiting inpatience for information.
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    Solved Evil Wings bug with Evil Wing Ears[1]

    Anton eeee....what? Did you read the title at all? I wanted to do Evil Wings and I have the necessary ingredients. I did 2 Evil Wing Ears [1] and I have them in my inventory but NPC you can't see them. Sees all ingredients except these 2 Evil Wing Ears [1]!
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    Solved Evil Wings bug with Evil Wing Ears[1]

    I collected all the ingredients and I did 2 Evil Wing Ears [1]. Unfortunately, the NPC doesn't see Evil Wing Ears [1]. What do I do with it?