Search results

  1. B

    My Experience In Battle Ground

    Hello. I have two pennies to rub together here. First, Mark, I feel your pain in BG as a new player. It's discouraging to play and play and play BG, especially with your spawn point camped, only to get a handful of credit at a time. It's a frustration, to be sure. Furthermore, you're...
  2. B

    October 2018 BRO economy

    The economy is whack right now, I'll grant you that. But like all things, there will be a bubble, then a bust, and it should stablilize. Real World is that way too. You have demand, then glut, then the currency/item that is in demand has inflation and devaluation. This leads to Boom, then...
  3. B

    Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

    *eats hot buttered popcorn* *takes a sip of 7-Up* *has another hand of hot buttered popcorn*
  4. B

    Where do you play?

    Coojo, which province, and have you an ign willing to share? I'm probably from that country, too. I also didn't like the radio button for "American Countries".