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    Event: November Scavenger Hunt

    IGN: 70kg Cao 1m73 DISCORD: phamanhdung TIER: 2 x5 HEADGEAR: - Galaxy Wings Grey - Galaxy Wings Pink - Galaxy Wings Blue - Costume Mermaid Headphone - Tender Wing Red
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    Solved Incan samurai card has Bug !!!!! very long time

    Database in sir . If Incan samurai ignores the totality of target's defense so imba card Refiner EQ not effect reduce dame So why do we have to Refiner EQ
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    Solved Incan samurai card has Bug !!!!! very long time

    Hi GM The first thing I want to say is . I From Vietnam and my english so bad . So i use Google translate talk to you. Maybe so it may not be accurate ----------------------- - According to the database then Incan samurai card just bypass SOFT DEF (Def from Vit ) . And not bypass HARD DEF (Def...
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    Event: BlackoutRO 5vs5 PVP Event

    1. Hello B 2. SocialIyAwkward 3. ~* L *~ ) 4. wizhhuy 5. TheBaus