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  1. SAF 45

    Update: May 21, 2020 @ 1:00

    Don't forget to post latest download in Forum first rather than discord. and please fix the latest download update.
  2. SAF 45

    Update: May 21, 2020 @ 1:00

    1590056589 Why Discord? any post in forum?
  3. SAF 45

    Update: May 21, 2020 @ 1:00

    I cant connect to the game. What Happen?
  4. SAF 45

    News: Upcoming Maintenance on May/21/2020

    Please include the poison spore in NPC so I can make a lot of AD bottle using Twilight Alchemy III
  5. SAF 45

    Suggestion Bring back Ex items in DC Shop

    Put Card Exchanger for Warbadge and DC so both player 1 and 2 had a choice to get equipment.
  6. SAF 45


    Please Fix Lag Issue please bring back the server. Its very laggy its been 2 days since the lag started.
  7. SAF 45

    Can Anyone Help me to I can't run my Blackout Ro.

    After I click the start button and Gepard shield will load then it will not run the exefile what can I do?
  8. SAF 45

    Update for Donation Credit NPC

    Look at the server? Donation Credit are useless in the market. make the DC alive again GM please. As you can see most of the player are looking for WB for trading system rather than DC. Simply because Donation Credit NPC are useless equipments at all. Please update the Donation Credit NPC. put...
  9. SAF 45

    Question Mysterious Crane Secrets Revealed?

    Yes please reveal the secret
  10. SAF 45

    MEGATHREAD Ranked PVP System: Bug Report

    I suggest BG Ranking must reset every month. Consideration for new players.
  11. SAF 45

    Blackout RO is not executing

    When I click the start button and the Gepard will run but the application will not run.
  12. SAF 45

    Marketing the BRO Server by sharing through Facebook and other social media.

    I just want to suggest to GMs to make a simple reward for players by facebook sharing gameplay and other social media for BRO SERVER Marketing. I guess it would help the server to bring back and helps to recruit other players. This is just suggestion. /ok/ok/ok/ok/ok/ok
  13. SAF 45

    News: Lag and Us!

    I Agree. Very Lag Host I guess..
  14. SAF 45

    Blackout Inflation

    I Didn't Say Remove the DC. I said make it Account Bound.. They Can Buy Zeny using DC and Zeny Will rotate the Market and Make it Stable. DC still Exist for those who donate. The thing is we need to make stable market using ZENY.
  15. SAF 45

    Guide Coojo's Zeny Guide.

    Can the GM's Remove the increase DEF on every Equipment that has refined +? so Refining in Armors and shields will give value or should I say farmers will give interest to refines things and sell for another income. players hates armors that has +? because it will increase Def. Refining is...
  16. SAF 45

    Blackout Inflation

    Thats A Good Idea.. I agree. gld_dun01 will make alive again /ok 1537254369 1) Make NPC for DC = 150m Each 2) Make Account Bound For DC 3) Warbadge Farm Increase reward for winners 4) NPC for Warbadge = Zeny 5) Make NPC to Buy EX item And Cards Using Zeny But Make it Expensive or Fair Price (To...
  17. SAF 45

    We are about to kill Nidhoggr's Shadow

    whats the matter of your ping ? is it related with the problem ? SML? ahahahahahaha. Its all about the Server DC not with individual Ping ahahahahaha joker.. /heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh/heh
  18. SAF 45

    We are about to kill Nidhoggr's Shadow

    its enjoyment dude..
  19. SAF 45

    We are about to kill Nidhoggr's Shadow

    we are 3 players party when we DC and we are all online today. IGN are : Proxya Ni Edgar , [MVP]Champ , And Leonardo`Zamurai
  20. SAF 45

    We are about to kill Nidhoggr's Shadow

    WTF? We are about to kill Nidhoggr's Shadow then the Server DC and we need to wait for another 3 DAYS?????? CAN U HELP US ABOUT THIS MATTER?????? PLEASE MAKE ACTION. WHAT WILL HAPPEN??? WE GOT DISCONNECTED IN SERVER BECAUSE OF CRASH AND WAIT FOR ANOTHER 3DAYS????? This is not Good.. Please Help...