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  1. SGYXZ

    Ignition Break Rune Knight skill

    +1 It's so useless compared to RG, and Death Bound reflect seems to be affected by the reflect cap as well in BG and WoE so the skill just doesn't make sense at all.
  2. SGYXZ

    Event: Best of the Best Series - Sniper

    Character Name: IS THAT HIM
  3. SGYXZ

    Event: 5vs5 PVP event

    Player 1: Underrated Player 2: xHaruna Player 3: Idiot Idiot Idiot Player 4: Chucknourish Player 5: Eustecia Vye Sub player (Optional): (TBD) Party Name: Yakuza Suggested Time (Include your timezone): Saturday night 11:00 PM Philippine time(1 hour after woe) Extra Suggestions(optional):
  4. SGYXZ

    Feedback MONKS is the champion of this server.

    OP is right for saying Bio is the most dominant class when it comes to BG, kinda weird that you changed it.. Champs are thrown to support roles in the face of good crowd/ground control skills (HW- LOV, ganba, etc). I'd say BG is balanced right now..
  5. SGYXZ

    Blackout Reboot (A Vision)

    I think close the server to focus on improving the server then reopen it just like you did last year with right advertisement.
  6. SGYXZ

    Event: BlackoutRO 3vs3 PVP Event

    Party Name: 2vsThree Member 1: 3diot Member 2: ConcernedCitizenofBRO Member 3: ~Poison~Ivy~
  7. SGYXZ

    Official Guide Ranked PVP System: Mechanics and Rules

    May I know how you will punish people if they don't stop doing this? Is it under surveillance all the time? Cause I think I would like pvp, but can't even practice cause I get ganked by teaming most of the time. Will there also be a room just for duels or 1v1's?
  8. SGYXZ

    Event: BlackoutRO 7vs7 PVP Event

    Party Name: Say Cheese Member 1: Beautifool Member 2: Fool Force Member 3: Shizue lzawa Member 4: PTSD Member 5: Sylphian Member 6: Idiot Idiot Idiot Member 7: l Amaze Myself!
  9. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion Agit Lord I

    Nice internet hokage.
  10. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | August 24th, 25th, 26th 2018

    I Ohh, then change it to "When" since it happened many times, literally happened.
  11. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | August 24th, 25th, 26th 2018

    Show the video where you actually fought us with Heroka in it, you wouldn't cause u guys died.
  12. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | August 24th, 25th, 26th 2018

    I'll just let you know that we plan on woeing with 2 devo groups, other people just wanted to join us, I guess to have fun. 1535368454 I'm not gonna lie that we're RELIANT on that pally as he devoes our guild leader, professor and our main dps.
  13. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | August 24th, 25th, 26th 2018

    Dude, if you understand what I'm saying you should know I'm not using it as an excuse. Go watch the unedited version of your record, I'm just stating facts. After all, your video says it all. 1535368068 Have you watched? I said right, am I right?
  14. SGYXZ

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | August 24th, 25th, 26th 2018

    If Heroka won't lag, there is no way for your guild to survive.
  15. SGYXZ

    Battlegrounds Team Join

    You're right, but once you put all the EX items and gears in the BG exclusives it's no longer the case. BG in the past used to be for costumes and umbrals and for the fun, but now it is a necessity for new players. 1535013670
  16. SGYXZ

    News: Control Panel Actions During Early Access & Promotions

    I think it depends if it went well. I mean, the GvG event went well and I think some people expressed satisfaction to it as well that they demand it to be done once a month? But it was surely good. If you ever consider the MvP invasion please add this one to the list as well. Thanks!! heheehe
  17. SGYXZ

    Suggestion MVP Tombs, The DC shop, and Battlegrounds.

    Hi, it seems that you guys are trying to avoid the P2W system, to me it doesn't really affect the server that much, I haven't seen rich people dominating the server, we don't even know the current richest player in the server as they have no notable distinctive feature that comes from being rich...