225 is a great number. It is an odd composite number. It is composed of two distinct prime numbers multiplied together. It has a total of nine divisors.
Sometimes, when I go to sleep, I dream of the number 225.
There are around 60 uses of the Crane left before it'll need to be opened up again.
The best way to get S Class is to be the one who opens the crane :D
Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb
in the shape of an L on her forehead
A lot of the old cloth colors were glitched out for some reason when we put them in. Everything from 420-553 had issues.
Dolby [one of the developers] was working on it, but he became too busy to finish it.
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