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  1. Albert

    Event: 2020 Halloween Screenshot

    IGN: Alberttttt Title: S> EC = 4.5k WB Screenshot(s):
  2. Albert

    You can get it from RSX 0806 (MVP).

    You can get it from RSX 0806 (MVP).
  3. Albert

    Question Does MVPs on mvp room drops loot box?

    TY hogake. #Hogake4GM
  4. Albert

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

    We're looking to expand our guild into 3 teams now. So we're recruiting 5 members in total. PM Me or Dex in-game or in Discord if you're interested (we don't check forums much).
  5. Albert

    News: Lag, Events and Current Status

    Thank God this event is finally over. WoEing felt like a chore so I hope the next time they do this event they only count weekend WoEs. As for the prizes, I don't think cutting them by half is a good idea. Guilds devoted their time into participating and it's not their fault that the event's...
  6. Albert


    Only me and Dex woe'd for Triggered since our members aren't available. It is Eggered for today only haha.
  7. Albert

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 10th - 16th 2018

    DW man no offence taken. I admit that I was mistaken. We did have 2 GS due to me being AFK for 20-30 mins during that woe and the other GS was there to cover my absence. Just wanna emphasise that we don’t portal def since other guilds think we actually do it and they think we go most of our...
  8. Albert

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 10th - 16th 2018

    Why not call out our guild straight up instead of saying 'Huevo’? The guilds that were portal defending in your SS was Execution. They were the ones who had 2-3 GS not us. And even if we did portal def (which we didn't), it was so that we could regroup since mhealer dies in 1 hit and there...
  9. Albert


    We just have fun bro. Competition comes second. It's especially fun when we wipe guilds with bigger numbers so we really don't mind if guilds keep recruiting. It's just using guild extensions is kinda even more unfair for us and other small guilds. Yesterday, we almost wiped Regalia so they...
  10. Albert

    "Eat her booty" - Ugly God

    "Eat her booty" - Ugly God
  11. Albert

    Event: Best Screenshot Event

    IGN: Alberttttt
  12. Albert

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 7th, 8th, 9th 2018

    Did Domino just call out a guild for Portal Defending?
  13. Albert

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

    RGM Pally PM Dex haha
  14. Albert

    GVG/WOE Discussion BlackoutRO Post WoE Discussion | September 7th, 8th, 9th 2018

    Alde WoE: Cancer WoE with @Chiiro as our prof. :joy: Pront WoE: Cancer WoE. First time playing as prof and @Jaahn keeps dying View: OP MHEAL @Tatot View: SE WoE: Cancer WoE. @Rhen convert to Earth + Lightning Bolt =...
  15. Albert

    DMemes Daily

  16. Albert

    Post what you're listening to

  17. Albert

    DMemes Daily

  18. Albert

    Everyone Joins The Battle - Legault

    Welcome to the server bro.
  19. Albert

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

    Ty for @duckbenok and Maverick for WoEing w/ us. View:
  20. Albert

    Guild Thread Egg Guild

    Dex didn’t woe. Fym.