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  1. Humble

    From the Staff The Glory Days Return: A Discussion

    DEAD in a month. stfu @yingtao u aint got no contribution in this server.
  2. Humble

    Blackout Reboot (A Vision)

    wolfie still decide what the fok he wants to the server tf u expect. let other gm do their %#!@ just dont let coojo do dumb shits and we cool.
  3. Humble

    Suggestion PVP EVENT Discussion

    hey dumdum stop deleting our replies on your post next time so you'll get a knowledge on your event. look what just happened.
  4. Humble

    Suggestion PVP EVENT Discussion

    Exactly Jack. He fckin feels that we always plays like him. we aren't noob like you @Coojo you know nothing bout pvp remember that.
  5. Humble

    Suggestion PVP EVENT Discussion

    same old same old. 1551683839 450vit+xside+robotears+aloe+sppbio+3creocard=no ones gonna die. dumb fckin balancing.
  6. Humble

    Official Guide Ranked PVP System: Mechanics and Rules

    Imagine if no one is going inside the pvp room and if I killed my evil clone I am gonna have a point?
  7. Humble

    Official Guide Ranked PVP System: Mechanics and Rules

    Please disable @die inside the map.
  8. Humble

    MEGATHREAD Future End-Game Content: What are you more excited about?

    you aint no fckin pvp player. get the fok outta here.
  9. Humble

    Event: Guild of the Month [January 2019]

    Guild Name: Potato Party Name: Racial Slur Member 1: -619 Member 2: Edited Member 3: BIake! Member 4: 54290867599 Member 5: Davshion Member 6: Get Biased Member 7: Itlog Ni Rodney Member 8: iRespawn Member 9: Exhilarate Member 10: Itlog Ni Rodney
  10. Humble

    Event: BlackoutRO 4vs4 PVP Event

    Party Name: 666 Member 1: Bad Beh8vior Member 2: Pongs Member 3: Armando Member 4:
  11. Humble

    Event: BlackoutRO 7vs7 PVP Event

    Just say Rodney's team. Thanks Joe!
  12. Humble

    Event: BlackoutRO 7vs7 PVP Event

    Hi! We have decided to donate to the same charity that we have already chosen last HyperWoe event and that is Quota International of Angeles City. @redcar already knows how to reach/contact this organization. Thanks!
  13. Humble

    Event: BlackoutRO 7vs7 PVP Event

    Party Name: Racial Slur 1. FreewaIk 2. Wipe Boys Aint %#!@ 3. Geztalavista Baby 4. Pongs! 5. Abutsiki! 6. HueHueHueHueHueHueHue 7. Blake! Sub: Cynosure!
  14. Humble

    HyperWoe Donation From: Triggered Family

    Wanted to share our after Hyper Woe we had a small get together. Guildmates into real life friends rq.
  15. Humble

    HyperWoe Donation From: Triggered Family

    First of all I would like to thank the gm's who hosted the event (Hyper Woe). This picture was sent to me 2 months ago. I forgot to upload it and show it to you. Our chosen charity was Quota International in Angeles City. The pictures was taken in Porac, Pampanga where they gave food, books...
  16. Humble

    News: Lag, Events and Current Status

    Such a wrong move. /??
  17. Humble


    NANI?!! /omg
  18. Humble

    Who the fok is this hokage guy? He fkn ruinin ur forums.

    Who the fok is this hokage guy? He fkn ruinin ur forums.
  19. Humble

    Introduction for my goodbye

    I knew you gonna say something salty. ROLF you never change I really missed you. /kis