Recent content by jamzholy69

  1. jamzholy69

    Suggestion HIRE ACTIVE GM PLS.

    Strikto! 1610407029 :D/wow 1610419379
  2. jamzholy69

    Suggestion HIRE ACTIVE GM PLS.

    Black out ro staff. Good day! Plz hire a active gm that can make this server alive! Gm who can make fun the player. Pls what a waste on this server if we dont have a active Gm's. I suggest my self if you dont mind to be part og gm's staff. Or any else. Pls! Love Love Love LordAntrax.
  3. jamzholy69

    Update: December 21, 2020 @ 3:00

    Gm where is my compensatiom?
  4. jamzholy69

    bye r.o

    Ako rin
  5. jamzholy69

    Char: Paladin

    Char: Paladin
  6. jamzholy69

    Ign= LordAntrax Guild= ivana* Thanks GM. Godbless. Happy new year.

    Ign= LordAntrax Guild= ivana* Thanks GM. Godbless. Happy new year.
  7. jamzholy69

    Or if its ok sir u can send email thru. TO MY ACCOUNY. thanks you sir... Happy New Year...

    Or if its ok sir u can send email thru. TO MY ACCOUNY. thanks you sir... Happy New Year...!!! Ahu ahu ahu!
  8. jamzholy69

    Hi sir good pm. Laast night im on. I will back on january 2021.i will msg you sir if i will...

    Hi sir good pm. Laast night im on. I will back on january 2021.i will msg you sir if i will online co'z where on vacation sir. We will spend newyears eve. In a probens. Thanks you sir and Godbless... Happy newyear.
  9. jamzholy69

    Update: December 21, 2020 @ 3:00

    Gud day sir my compensation of my guild thanks we have 3 castle thanks. 1609332769
  10. jamzholy69

    Update: December 21, 2020 @ 3:00

    Server down? 1608937985
  11. jamzholy69

    Event: 2020 Halloween Screenshot

    IGN: wazato Summoning the " COUNT of DRACULA" 1604359977
  12. jamzholy69

    Question Guide pls sa barricade

    Pls proper guide to the barricade. Can anyone help us to know what is the proper guide of the barricade summon. We have the req. But we dont know how to summon. Thanks Godbless
  13. jamzholy69

    Event: Best of the Best Series - Sniper

    Character Name: iVANA BOOBS
  14. jamzholy69

    News: Live Streamers - Please Contact Us

    Sir gm wofie. Hope every woe. Open 2 or 3 castle. For reduce the lag. Thanks. Wed and thrus. Supa Lag.