autopot [% the hp/sp level is at when the autopot takes effect] [100 is 100ms] [12034=item id]
So @autopot sp 90 100 12034 will use one box of panting every 100ms when the sp is at 90%
You seem to be laboring under the delusion that my "arguement" is supposed to have credibility. Also not sure which words i use were so big you felt the need to whip out your thesaurus.
Sharing the reasoning behind why with the people who wish to disprove it is not going to help get my point across.
You do realize anyone can see that you made a new forum account specifically to make that post? Of course your post riddled with a litany of grammatical errors and capital letters...
Try logging into the control panel and follow this:
1) Click Manage Your Account
2) Click on the name of the problem character(s)
3) Click on "Reset Position" as shown in the screenshot
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