
Full Installer

EXE Package (1.92GB)

The full installation package is an EXE package created to guide you through the installation process. It contains all the files required to play BlackoutRO.

To install, open it, wait for it to load, then follow the prompts.

Note: for slower computers, after attempting to open the file, it will take some time for the installer to load (1-2 minutes in some cases).

If you have issues installing with the EXE package, try downloading the archived format.

Version: June 3, 2024

Archived Format (.zip, 1.92GB)

The full installer is available in either an archived file format or an EXE installation package. Both types contain the same files.

Version: May 28, 2024

Lite Installer

EXE Package (261MB)

The Lite Installer is a package for those with existing RO installations on their computer. It is not a fully sufficient means of installing the game. However, it is a good option for those with slower download speeds.

We recommend using the full install for the best experience.

Installation Instructions
  1. Download the Lite installer from one of the options above.
  2. Run the Lite Installer, follow the prompts.
  3. Copy the file data.grf from your existing RO folder into your BlackoutRO folder.
  4. Copy the folder BGM from your existing RO folder into your BlackoutRO folder.
  5. Run BlackoutRO.exe to begin the patching process. Click start game.

Version: May 28, 2024

Archived Format (.zip, 261MB)

Version: May 28, 2024

Other Files

Here are some miscellaneous files from the installation packages if for whatever reason you need to directly download them.

GRF Files

Our GRF files. We make these available for download in case you messed up attempting to modify them and need a fresh version.
Note, we do not provide support for editing GRFs.

palettes.grf (3MB)

Version: May 21 2020

gepard.grf (22MB)

Version: June 7, 2024

blackoutro.grf (205MB)

Version: May 28, 2024

data.grf (1.43GB)

Version: September 18, 2016

BGM.rar (308MB)

Contains the BGM folder. Extract in your BlackoutRO folder using WinRAR.

Version: September 18, 2016

Patch Client (3.7MB)

The BlackoutRO patcher. Download if you are using the old patch client (there was a new patcher released in March 2019).

Gepard Files (17MB)

Download if you receive the error ‘Game EXE is corrupted’. Extract the files into your BlackoutRO folder.

Version: May 28, 2024

dgVoodoo (1MB)

Download if you want to use dgVoodoo with bRO.

Version: Jun 3, 2024
