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Found a total of 30 record(s) across 1 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-30.

Character Name ▲ Class Base/Job Level Guild ▼ Map ▼
A2 Jevelle Soul Linker 500/120 - prontera
BlessyBoo High Wizard 500/120 Myth comodo
Carnage Creator 467/120 - prt_maze03
DU3O Stalker 500/120 Nimbuzz Cloud Guild amatsu
Flyy Professor 500/120 - mid_camp
ghfhgfhgf Lord Knight 500/120 - amatsu
Guillotine Guillotine Cross+ 500/120 Myth comodo
Hadouken Champion 500/120 Apostascy xmas
I1I1I1lll Warlock+ 500/120 ScavScab mjolnir_05
IIIIIIIII Vertelle High Wizard 500/120 - nif_fild02
Ippo High Wizard 500/120 - yuno_fild05
Lemonade Soul Linker 500/120 Lemon Tree amatsu
Linkero Professor 500/1 - amatsu
Megiddo Soul Linker 500/120 Maple Tree xmas
melontotz Assassin Cross 500/120 3% amatsu
misstiq Soul Linker 500/120 EviI Genius amatsu
Nysrogh High Wizard 500/120 Ninja moscovia
Rayne High Wizard 500/120 - amatsu
Red October Professor 500/120 New Generation mid_camp
SeekNDestroy Assassin Cross 500/120 Egg amatsu
Small Laude Lord Knight 500/120 Bagong Simula amatsu
SuRamBawnnn Assassin Cross 500/120 Sexy MAMA amatsu
The eyes never lie Champion 500/120 Despair moscovia
TINGIN SA SIDE MIRROR High Wizard 500/120 - yuno_fild05
Toxic Creator 500/120 - mid_camp
YaPiK Warlock+ 500/120 Manganganto mjolnir_07
Yor Forger Guillotine Cross+ 500/120 Sexy MAMA amatsu
Zeke Champion 500/120 Monarch amatsu
[ ArIene ] High Wizard 500/120 - ein_dun01
`PAPADEL Clown 500/120 New Generation mid_camp