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  1. P


    Yea, I had to ask Joe b/c I couldn't remember my account for the life of me. But yea, come back and gib me itams po
  2. P


    Do et bish. I might honestly just throw money around until I can get a full set of everything so that I don't have to farm. I tried it.... I'm already over it lol
  3. P


    NO FK YOU JON. You coming back bro?
  4. P


    Okay cool thanks. So the answer is I can "kind of" throw money at the server :)
  5. P


    I'm necroing the %#!@ out of my own thread but I don't care. Is there a way for me to throw money at this server so I don't have to farm??
  6. P


    I think I mainly played champ or pally. But I did play just about every class for woes.
  7. P


    Yeah @Daiks . It's me :)
  8. P


    yoyoyo whaddup dude
  9. P


    Yeah lol, I probably should have specified that up top but oh well.
  10. P


    It's potato from Fallen days. I don't think Kurt even remembers the name of the server anymore lol.
  11. P

    RO IN 2017 they said.

    Wait, are you guys coming back? If so, I'm coming back. I miss RIP Woes. Also, might be able to entice my brother back if I do everything for him.
  12. P


    I guess the better question then would be to ask what guild the old RIP and Zerg Patrol guys went to lol.
  13. P


    Anyone still play this game? I'm an old guy who used to play back in day. Just curious.