Recent content by The Pilgrim

  1. The Pilgrim


    wb bro
  2. The Pilgrim

    Event: BlackoutRO 7vs7 PVP Event

    Be optimistic for once. These people are doing their best to make this server progress and/or atleast keep it alive. Constructive critisisms and/or suggestions are very much appreciated by the staff and the community depending on how it is delivered. Your negativism will make people don't want...
  3. The Pilgrim

    When is Halloween Event??

  4. The Pilgrim

    HyperWoe Donation From: Triggered Family

    This is soo good. It's not just about gaming. This is what our souls and hearts need. I hope this server and the people in it staffs and players alike, prosper so we can make more events like this. We are not kids anymore. It's time to do adult things. Congratulations and more power to the...
  5. The Pilgrim

    Event: Best Screenshot Event

    Wow! Congrats!
  6. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

    This isn't supposed to be a war between the administerial staffs, an inconsiderate asshole and the actual players. We also express disapproval of what the thread maker says about Wolfie, and the allegations about the donation money. We just wanted transparency, an update after the sad news of...
  7. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

    Flames, please stop being a troll yourself. If you want to flame the maker of this thread then go ahead. As a medical professional, I can say that Wolfie's issue is serious and he needs to rest. And as for the thread maker's allegations about the staff using the donations for vacation was...
  8. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

    If you are refering to me, I am not using a VPN nor am I hiding through another account. I am really a player from Qatar, a donator. and these are my true sentiments.
  9. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Server Dying Because of Neglect

    This server needs a team. And a team composes of the server's owner/s, multiple admins and developers, multiple GMs and multiple representatives from the common players. When I say multiple, I mean a lot. So there will be enough people to see to it that this server goes on and functioning when 1...
  10. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Current Server Situation

    Why not make an option for donators to exchange their dollar to Zeny, Mini Game Credits or War Badges? 1.) It won't be a pay to win because most of the people who have gears ingame got there items through playing BG, farming, hunting and attending mini-games. 2.) There won't be Donation Credits...
  11. The Pilgrim

    Suggestion Bring back the geatness of PVP again

    Like the title says, I suggest you guys do something to make pvp enticing to pvpers again and invite non pvpers to pvp. It gives BRO players something to do aside from AFKing or storytelling, while there's no WoE or BG. Suggestions include the following but not limited to: Make a monthly tally...
  12. The Pilgrim

    Solved About The Sign Quest

    It worked as of last week.
  13. The Pilgrim

    October 2018 BRO economy

    You are a cancer that needs to be zapped asap.
  14. The Pilgrim

    My Experience In Battle Ground

    I agree with the instances. Aside from BG and AFKing after WoE, we can do this to pass time solo or enjoy with friends.